Newsletter-cum-magazine of Oasis Movement YEAR 1 I ISSUE20 I Oct 1, 2008

On the occasion of 'World Mental Health Day' on October 4th-

The Healthiness of Depression

It may seem absurd, but if we try to understand depression in-depth, we will find that Depression actually is a healthy phenomenon.

For any growth to occur, a proportionate amount of our “old self” must be given up. It is inevitable part of development. This process of giving up, to attain something which is higher/better than before is very painful, which causes depression.

In other words, depression is the feeling associated with giving up something loved- or at least something that is a part of ourselves and familiar. Since mentally healthy human beings must grow, and since giving up or loss of the old self is an integral part of the process of mental and spiritual growth, depression is normal and basically healthy phenomenon. It becomes abnormal or unhealthy only when something interferes with the giving-up process, with the result that the depression is prolonged and cannot be resolved by completion of the process.

Often, even the people suffering from depression are not able to understand this growth process. They seek help to get rid of the symptoms, rather than facilitate this process. They desire to be “the way

they used to be”, but the veryfact that they are depressed means the growth / giving up process has already begun and they can no longer be the way they used to be.

But the unconscious knows. It is precisely because the unconscious in its wisdom knows that “the way things used to be” is no longer tenable or constructive that the process of growing and giving up has begun on an unconscious level and depression is experienced.




Since, people suffering from depression are not yet consciously willing or ready to recognize that the “old self” and “the way things used to be” are outdated, they are not aware that their depression

is signaling that major change is required for successful and evolutionary adaptation. The fact that the unconscious is one step ahead of the conscious may seem strange to lay readers; it is, however, a fact that applies not only in this specific instance but so generally that it is a basic principal of mental functioning.

We have been hearing of the “mid-life crisis”. Actually, this is but one of the many “crisis,” or critical stages of development in life. What makes crisis of these transition periods in the life cycle – that is, problematic and painful – is that in successfully working our way through them we must give up cherished notions and old ways of doing and looking at things. Many people are either unwilling or unable to suffer the pain of giving up the outgrown which needs to be forsaken. Consequently they cling, often forever, to their old patterns of thinking and behaving, thus failing to negotiate any crisis, to truly grow up, and to experience the joyful sense of rebirth that accompanies the successful transition into greater maturity.

(Excerpts taken from the book 'The Road Less Travelled' by Dr M. Scott Peck.)

Every Success Story Is Also
A Story of Great Failure

Failure is the Highway to Success. The more mistakes we make, more opportunities we have to learn.

Let me share a famous life history with you.

This was a man who failed in business at the age of 21; was defeated in a legislative race at age 22; failed again in business at age 24; had his sweetheart die when he was aged 26; had a nervous breakdown at age 27; lost a congressional race at age 34; lost a senatorial race at age 45; failed in an effort to become vice-president at age 47; lost a senatorial race at age 49; and was elected president of the United States at age 52. This man was Abraham Lincoln.

Can we call Lincoln a failure? He could have quit, hung his head in shame, and gone back to his law practice. But to Lincoln, defeat was a detour, not a dead end.


If I Try, I Risk Failure;

If I Don't, I Ensure It.

One day a partially deaf four-year-old child came home with a note in his pocket from his teacher, "Your Tommy is too stupid to learn, get him out of the school." His mother read the note and answered, "My Tommy is not too stupid to learn, I will teach him myself." And that Tommy grew up to be the great Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison had only three months of schooling.

All success stories are stories of great failures. The only difference is that every time they failed, they bounced back. This is called failing forward - you learn and move forward.

(Excerpts taken from the book 'You Can Win' by Shiv Khera.)

We only regard those unions as real examples of love and real marriages in which a fixed and unalterable decision has been taken. If men or women contemplate an escape, they do not collect all their powers for the task. In none of the serious and important tasks of life do we arrange such a "getaway." We cannot love and be limited.


The last step in parental love involves the release of the beloved, the willing cutting of the cord that would otherwise keep the child in a state of emotional depende-nce.

There are more myths and misconceptions about strength training than any other area of fitness. While research continues to uncover more and more reasons why working out with weights is good for you, many women continue to avoid resistance training for fear of developing muscles of herculean proportions.

To get some fitfacts about muscle building and tips on body workout, click here>>>




You are unhappy not because you have problems, You have Problems because you are Unhappy.

It is ok to think about challenges and problems, but if we do not solve and carry them with us for long time, they paralyze our lives. Click here to view a beautiful PPT 'Put the Glass Down' depicting the same. Hope you will all enjoy.




What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret than our willingness to choose life.

  Editor's Note

Dear Readers,

A study attributed to Harvard University found that when a person gets a job or promotion, 85% of the time, it is because of his attitude and only 15% of the time it is because of his intelligence and knowledge.

The foundation of success, regardless of our chosen field, is attitude. If attitude is such a critical factor in success, should not we examine our attitude towards life and ask how it will affect our goals?

This issue brings a beautiful article on the healthy aspect of depression as also success stories to inspire us.

Happy Reading!

- Team Alive


The remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan is the only country in the world which puts happiness at the heart of government policy. To view the formula for happiness in the remote Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, pl click here>>>


Inspiring Quotations

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
Franklin D Roosevelt


Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible
St Francis of Assisi


Trials, temptations, disappointments -- all these are helps instead of hindrances, if one uses them rightly. They not only test the fiber of character but strengthen it. Every conquering temptation represents a new fund of moral energy. Every trial endured and weathered in the right spirit makes a soul nobler and stronger than it was before



Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
William Jennings Bryan


Today I want to do things to be doing them, not to be doing something else. I don't want to drive to get there, make love to have climaxes or study to "keep abreast".

I don't want to do things to sell myself on myself. I don't want to do nice things for people so that I will be "nice". I don't want to work to make money, I want to work to work.

Today I don't want to live for, I want to live.

Excerpt from the book 'Notes to Myself'

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Team Alive

  Poonam Golani

  Kshama Kataria

  Sheeba Nair

  Ami Nanavati

  Umesh Patel

  Jwalant Bhatt

  Jolly Madhra

  Sanjiv Shah

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