Oasis at Cambodia, Netherlands, Thailand, Uganda, Ukraine...

Inspired International Educators
Take Character Education To Their Countries
Part 1:
Oasis Live-Love-Learn (L3) Workshops for Adults
Photos above:
Ukraine: L3 workshops for various groups - NGO Members, Parents of School Children - organized at One Crazy School, Vinnytsia. Lead Facilitator > Kateryna Botvinnik supported by Inna Luzhetska
Uganda: L3 workshop at Jinjal for the team members of Enhance Humanity by Olivia Nannono 
The Netherlands: L3 workshop at De Ruimte Democratic School, Soest, for teachers of 'De Ruimte' by Ruud van Middelaar supported by Dorianne de Groot 
Thailand: L3 workshop at Bang Phra for the teachers of Mosaic Learning Center by Fances Jane Underwood and Thanadol Thoolmala
Oasis Pay It Forward (PIF) Overseas:

In January 2024, Oasis launched Pay It Forward Project Internationally, during its International Partnership Convention 2024. The objective is to bring together like-hearted Educators engaged with Alternative Schools including Democratic institutions, Nonprofits, Community Leadership and so on from around the globe on a platform of Friendship. 

These global partnerships involve learning & sharing Universal principles of character education through Oasis Live-Love-Learn (L3) Course and taking these programs to the young generation, parents and educators in their local regions/countries. This non-commercial engagement is based on the selfless Spirit of Giving. 

The Project is named as - Oases Friendship International (Universal Education for Living, Loving & Learning) - An umbrella of global community leaders and educators who joyfully chose to come together as brand ambassadors of character education and share the knowledge around the world.
Project Lead: Kateryna Botvinnik
L3 Workshops > 2 Batches - NGO Members & School Parents
"This is one of the biggest shake-ups of recent time...
It is like an emotional reboot, and I feel more motivated"
Photos above:
(top) Facilitator Kateryna Botvinnik in a session with members of Vilnosvita at Vinnystia. 11 Members participated in the workshop organized on1-3 March.
(bottom) One Crazy School Parents are seen presenting their learning in workshop organized at Vinnystia, 29-31 March. 13 Parents took part  which was facilitated by Kateryna, assisted by Inna Luzhetska
"I felt that this workshop was very useful, almost necessary for all the participants. I concentrated on loving each and every person, and it was very important both for them and for me. I have seen that shining from insight! 
The facilitation brought me back to the state of exaltation (experienced during the convention in Jan 2024) and the reality of the meaning of my being."
Kateryna Botvinnik, Project Coordinator &
Board Member, Vilnosvita
Reflections by the participants:

"I have been reminded that I'm the main author of my life, that I need to manage my time...   I have a light feeling, I am filled with peace...  I am grateful for every moment, everything!...  I have a desire to rise above everyday life, I want to live my own life, not to let life live me.
~ Team members of Vilnosvita

"I reached a state of wonder, exhilaration, a sense of care and love for the people around me!...  I am in a state of inner silence and slowness...  I realized that the best thing we can do with the good that is given to us is to bring it to other people: Pay it forward." 
~ One Crazy School Parents
Ripple Effect:  Beneficiaries Turn Facilitators
 L3 Workshop by New Trainee Facilitators 
Photo above: New Facilitators in action - patiently listening to participants - during the workshop.

Ripple effect > Workshop facilitated by new trainees, Olha & Iryna, guided by Kateryna B, 24-26 May. 10 Members of NGO, Vilnosvita participated in the workshop organized at One Crazy School, Vinnystia.
Reflections by the participants:

“You sow goodness that you want to spread further on the planet! You are restoring the meaning of life...  I feel uplifted and inspired, happy and full of energy!...  I will gladly recommend this seminar to my daughter...  I realized how unimportant things used to make my life worse, how much they prevented me from achieving really important results!”
~ Team members of Vilnosvita
Project Lead: Olivia Nannono
L3 Workshop for NGO Members 
"It was profound and transformative!"
Photo above: Participants sharing in small groups

Team members of Enhance Humanity participated in the 3 days L3 Workshop facilitated by Team-Leader Olivia Nannono. The workshop was conducted during 18-20 April at Jinjal, Uganda and some 14 members took part. 
"I have witnessed firsthand that often the end of respective sessions of L3 workshop is actually, the beginning of a profound stewardship journey of paying it forward. As a pioneer to this program in my country and region, l certainly knew l had work to do. Through me that fire of the L3 movement and way of life must be kindled to cover the entire region one step at a time. What a soul stretching challenge! That notwithstanding, I committed to rise to the challenge and do it anyway."
Olivia Nannono, Founder, Enhance Humanity, Uganda
Reflections by the participants:

“I learnt- how can I improve my life so that I can achieve things I want to and be happy at the end of my life…  We should focus on what matters the most because Life may be too short before we know it…  L3 training (workshop) was so profound and transformative! I came to appreciate life with the perspective of the big picture hinged on my fondest values, dreams and aspirations.”
~ Team members of Enhance Humanity, Uganda
The Netherlands
Project Lead: 
Ruud van Middelaar, Dorianne de Groot
L3 Workshops for Educators and Team-mates
"Beautiful process for becoming conscious"
Photo above: Team mates engrossed in the workshop process 

The L3 workshop was facilitated by Ruud van Middelaar for his team members, during 26-28 April and was assisted by Dorianne de Groot at their centre in Soest.
"It was a deepening experience, concepts deepened and new insights came about. It was good and new to me to not explain (teach) too much, but let the participants find their own viewpoints, while we only asked question and offered directions. In the reflections we were confirmed in our ways and means, to be supporters (facilitators) and not teachers."
Ruud van Middelaar, Founder Member, 
'De Ruimte' Democratic School
Reflections by the participants:

“I feel gratitude and feel connected to my personal goal…  Beautiful process for becoming conscious. Most assignment activated me instantly…  Loved the relaxed yet intensive atmosphere…  Very nice experience to dig deep into myself and to feel where it is about for me…  It was delightful and happy gathering. Light & relaxed, so the love could flow easily."

"Both the facilitators were open-hearted, enthusiastic and inspirational.
~ Colleagues at De Ruimte Democratic School
"First of all, it was wonderful (feeling) to give the training. The format as a base is wonderful. I got a lot of energy out of the workshop. Would love to do it more with colleagues, students, parents of our own school but also other schools.  I am Grateful for the trust (put on us), and thankful for all the support ."
Dorianne de Groot, Founder Member, 
'De Ruimte' Democratic School
Project Lead: 
Frances Underwood, Thanadol Thoolmala
L3 Workshop for Team Members & Life Camp for Students 
"I was encouraged and enlightened by this workshop
to manage my life"
Photo above:  Educators at Mosaic Learning Center seen in discussions during the L3 Workshkop processes.

L3 workshop was organized at Mosaic Learning Centre, Bang Phra, for the team of teachers associated with it from 6-8 May. It was facilitated by Frances Underwood, Founder & Principal, Mosaic and was assisted by Thanadol Thoolmala, teacher at Mosaic.  
Reflections by the participants:

“This workshop is very useful. I was encouraged and enlightened by this workshop to manage my life and how to do it...  It can help me to be wise in making decisions, how to organize my thoughts well and to be better person for others...  I feel so grateful that I got to attend this kind of workshop. I feel like I would want to have more of this type of program.”
~ Educators at Mosaic Learning Center
Frances Jane Underwood,
Principal, Mosaic Learning Center, Bang Phra

Thanadol Thoolmala, 
Teacher, Mosaic Learning Center, Bang Phra
Part 2: 
Oasis Life Camps & Life Classes for Students

...wait for the next issue
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Editor-In-Chief: Riya Shah
Editorial Team: Sanjiv Shah, Sheeba Nair
IT Team: Alkesh Raval, Mehul Panchal
Alive Newsletter/ Magazine
9 June 2024
Year 17, Issue 13
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