What is Oasis Movement
‘Oasis’ means
a green, fertile place in the desert.
“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
– Said Aristotle. Unfortunately, there is no education of heart
in prevailing education system yet, even in 21st century.
‘Education of Heart’ should be at the ‘Heart of Education’ is our core belief.
Here are some salient features of Oasis,
a budding youth movement now
Sessions, Programs, Workshops, Courses, Projects…
all aiming towards Character building
A well-established, world-class institute ‘Oasis Valleys’ at Vadodara (Gujarat, India)
Also, one of the most credible Publication Houses in Gujarat, with over 13 lakh publications sold and over 100 titles in non-fiction genre. Recent introductions have been Hindi, Marathi and Bengali titles.
Sessions, Programs, Workshops, Courses, Projects…
all aiming towards Character building
A well-established, world-class institute ‘Oasis Valleys’ at Vadodara (Gujarat, India)
Also, one of the most credible Publication Houses in Gujarat, with over 13 lakh publications sold and over 100 titles in non-fiction genre. Recent introductions have been Hindi, Marathi and Bengali titles.
The Uncountable!
The Uncountable!
...as on December 31, 2021

Not everything that can be counted counts,
and not everything that counts can be counted
What we do
- Dream India Camp (Friendship Camp)
- Life & Love Camps
- Leadership Camp
- L3 Course for Students
- Project Saamarthya – Power of Girls
- Mass Edition Book Camps
- Special Events
- Campaigns & Rallies
- ASHA Project
- Alive – Oasis Periodicals
- Education Bodies
- Government Bodies
- Corporate/ Industries
- Rural Sector
- NGOs
- Gujarati Publications
- Translation in English
- Translation in Other Languages
- Audio Books
- L3 Course for Adults
- Freedom Parenting Workshop
- DREAM Retreat
- Save Our Students (SOS) Movement
- Sahastrashala Project
- Oasis Jyotirdhar Movement
- Misaal Schools Project
- Misaal Project
- Misaal Honourship Explorers
- Misaal Social Leadership Development Program
- Himalaya Trekking Program
- Military Training Program

Where we work
We Have Paid It Forward...
What is an organisation, if primarily not its people and their relationships? What is a movement if not
conviction spreading from a few to wider masses? Oasis is no exception at all. It was, is and will always be
about people. We feel so grateful for having such a rich community world-wide, chipping in whatever and
whenever they could! And most beautiful is the spirit of friendship. Here is the marathon list……and touch
wood, it will always be a work in progress!
Mahadev Desai
Deep gratitude for your association with Oasis and for conceiving as well as propagating Jyotirdhar Movement that played important role for preparing exemplary teachers.Structural Engineer & Educationalist
Navsari, India
Mahendra Meghani
We will be, along with millions, forever indebted to you for creating a thought movement through extraordinary edited inexpensive publications.Writer – Publisher
Bhavnagar, India
Manish Baxi
The strong and faithful pillar of Oasis since its inception! You stood with us through thick and thin and have never wavered in your commitment to lead us honestly throughout as our CA. Thank you, for your selfless honorary services. Salute you, for the strength to counter all social norms and be an equally good friend all along…Chartered Accountant
Vadodara, India
Manisha Mehta
For her contribution in ASHA with total immersion in our initial years. For playing a big role in creating ASHA child friendly health modules. Her selfless service inspired many women to volunteer.Student Counsellor
Bengaluru, India
Manoj Kadakia
For believing in us when we were more idealistic & less realistic, for nourishing Oasis with your love, support & encouragement during the formative years, for being with us through our thick & thin.Industrialist
Vadodara, India
Mrudula Sanghvi
It is you who have always encouraged many women to join ASHA and helped solving all their problems so that they could continue their volunteering. Your age and health issues never came in your way to serve!Homemaker
Bengaluru, India
Nandita Shah
We would always be indebted to you for showing us the power of plant based diet. Your book has been a powerful instrument in introducing vegan food at Oasis Valleys. Your finest insights are very helpful.Homeopath, Veganist
Puducherry, Inda
Nanubhai Amin
We are deeply grateful to you for your rock like support in everything we attempted in the initial years. You have always fulfilled your responsibility towards society in every possible way and set a tall example for all business leaders, for us and also for the youths of our nation.Industrialist
Vadodara, India
Nayan Swadia
For trusting us all the time without a trace of doubt from the very beginning & contributing your best till date. For extending your medical services to Oasis Members unconditionally.General Surgeon
Vadodara, India
Nina & Bankim Patel
From being a cordial neighbor to a volunteer, then to a sponsor and now a lifelong friend. Thank you, for being with us since the beginning of Oasis center at Surat.Artist & Industrialist
Surat, India
Nirav Shah
Thank you, Niravbhai, for being consistent supporter; for extending your help in creation of Oasis Valleys and our ongoing projects.Opthalmologist
Surat, India
P.K. Chandrashekhar & Gauri Nair
Small is beautiful. For every such little gesture of affectionate support to Oasis be it home made snacks for children, South Indian food for team or contributing from your resources, we have experienced your love over the last 30 years. For being the Nimittam of the most powerful learning phases of Oasis Movement, and staying with us tight amid all upheavals, we bow humbly.Parents, Oasis Member
Vadodara, India
Parag Shah
Deepest gratitude for playing a critically important role in the making of a beautiful institute as Oasis Valleys as well as for being an amazing lifelong friend.Diamantaire
Surat, India
Parul & Sumeit Shah
For being so lovely, caring and thoughtful doctor friends. For your excellent medical services. For always being ready to help your best and promptly whenever needed.Pathologist & Radiologist
Vadodara, India
Pinal Shah
Thank you, Pinalben for taking initiative of a difficult challenge like resource generation for creation of Oasis Valleys in the first phase. Thank you, for doing everything with so much love.Artist, Teacher
Surat, India
Pramila Shah
For being the first one to extend all help to create base in Bengaluru. For helping immensely by asking right and bold questions. For tirelessly inspiring many to contribute their best for our work.Social Worker
Bengaluru, India
Pravin & Daxa Shah
For unconditional, generous giving over long years. For giving time, love and resources. For giving your beautiful home for Oasis use.Parents, Oasis Member
Pravin Patel
The ever-smiling and happy face that we always remember – who invited Oasis to Rajkot city and boosted our work especially through Oasis Publications. A sincere and hardworking friend who always supported and helped us and will always be there for us!Businessman
Rajkot, India
Pravin Shah
Our heartfelt gratitude for being a wonderful person, for setting benchmark of humble veteran learner and being magnanimous and wise all round giver.New York,US
Preeti Shroff
A mother’s heart with a mission to empower youths to pursue social entrepreneurship. For such a successful partnership, infinite support and your complete trust in us that ensured Oasis base at J&K today.. For your vision & guidance that helped us walk through all challenges. How can I thank you enough!Social & Women Entrepreneur
Bhuj, India
Rajiv Joshi
Thank you very much, for always being there and providing your expert medical services to any of our family member with great care and love. You are a doctor who gives a listening ear to understand the patient, which makes you so special.Physician
Vadodara, India
Rohit Prajapati
Thank you, Rohitbhai, for Encouraging us always to fight for Truth & Justice; for Supporting us and for Standing with us during storms, especially when we needed it the most.Environment Activist
Vadodara, India
Samir Anadkat
Thank you, Samir, for being one of the founder members and leading passionately during the formative years of Oasis Movement putting aside a bright career in the field of medical science.Diabetologist
St. Kitts & Nevis
Sarvadaman Patel
For heartily encouraging us for our farming ventures at Oasis Valleys with your profound insights and knowledge. For teaching us the right values & methods of Organic Farming on numerous occasions.Leader & Propagator, Organic Farming
Anand, India
Saugat Biswas
Thank you, Saugat Sir, for supporting child-centric approach in our Kashmir projects by encouraging value based program for students. For introducing the magic of Oasis Life Camps and Dream India camp in J&K. Says a lot about your commitment for the young of our nation.IAS
Ladakh, India
Sejal Shah
For your selfless services as one of the initial Trustees with robust commitment. For dedicating your prime life years in serving others. For striving and inspiring many to contribute to the cause.Yoga Teacher
Shah Faesal
For being the first to understand the vision & impact of Oasis and to promptly invite OASIS programs to J&K. This one step has led us so far. For this dedication and commitment for betterment of education sector especially youngsters, and for your ever positive support, we will remain eternally grateful.IAS
Jammu & Kashmir, India
Shaleen Kabra
For believing in us, for our first Govt partnership at J&K, for your principled, no-nonsense approach and for inspiring by your uncommon dedication to serve the state especially youth education. For handholding us in this journey with your insights and care – unfailingly, yet silently. For this unconditional and steadfast support as a guide, well wisher and a friend. A Hearty Thank You.IAS
Jammu & Kashmir, India
Shobhana & Arun Shah
For staying by our side during our tough times. For supporting us in our endeavors so affectionately. For Arun uncle’s extraordinary 24×7 commitment for Blood Donation drive in Vadodara for over 2 decades.Parents, Oasis Member
Vadodara, India
Siddharth & Priti Shah
For being our visionary friends who deeply believe in importance of Character Building Education. For your substantial contribution for our flagship program of preparing Misaal Leaders.Financial Consultants
Snehal Shah
We’re deeply indebted to you for being the Architect of “Oasis Valleys” through which hundreds of thousands would draw inspiration for loving a better life. And for being a proud product of your product!Architect
Surat, India
Sonal Patel
Thank you, Sonal, for being one of the strong team mates in the initial years, thank you for nurturing Friendship Home with all the Love.Physiotherapist
Vadodara, India
Sucheta & Pravin Vakharia
For always showering her motherly love and affection to all of us. For generously providing their home for use whenever needed and making us feel at home.Parents, Oasis Member
Ahmedabad, India
Sumathi Suresh
For consistently conducting ASHA training and encouraging many ASHA teachers. For conducting health classes in an amazingly interesting way by adding fun and drama.Homemaker
Bengaluru, India
Sumir Hinduja
Thank you, Sumirji, for deposing trust in us when we have just begun our Bengaluru Venture. Thank you for generous support to health centers. You are always ready to support in best possible ways.Industrialist
Bengaluru, India
Suneet Dabke
Your passion and commitment for environment is exemplary. You played a critical role in setting up systems for waste management and sewage treatment plant at Oasis Valleys. For any help, you are always a call away.Waste Management Consultant
Vadodara, India
Susheela & Manu Shah
Compassion, generosity, love for humanity at large has always driven you. Thank you for always contributing your best for last 16 years and for proving an office space to Oasis in the prime location of Bangalore.Homemaker & Businessman
Bengaluru, India
Swarup Deb
Thank you, Swarup, Avinash & Team Girgit, for joining us in capturing the essence of Oasis Movement through a less than a minute animation film! Yes! It makes the viewers hearts smile, 10/10!!!Animation Film Maker
Pune, India
Uday Desai
For one of the most satisfying partnerships Oasis has so far, because of your Mission driven, Impatient, Synergetic efforts to bring positive changes in the lives of thousands of less privileged children. For reaching character education to the far flung, interiors of Gujarat and setting up an impressive model of technology-human impact in rural India.K R Shroff Foundation
Ahmedabad, India
Umesh Patel
The silent, smiling and untiring commando friend who helped us through the first important phase of building Oasis!IT Professional
Urvish Kothari
For all your authentic efforts to search the facts about Oasis, to know it by firsthand experience and to bring truth to light through articles in ‘Jalso’ & ‘Nirikshak’ in an uninhibited manner. For being a role model in responsible, fearless and positive journalism.Writer – Journalist
Ahmedabad, India
Vaishali Desai
For serving the movement selflessly for almost 2 decades. For your relentless efforts for resource generation in formative years. We remember you as a person thriving with energy and high dedication.Social Worker
Vadodara, India
Vijay Dalal
Deepest gratitude for recognising us as unique charitable organisation, making Oasis your own and extending support that became a turning point for the Movement.Financial Consultants
New Jersey,US
Vimala Thakar
For appreciating the vibrancy of Oasis Movement early on For giving spiritual and moral guidance in formative years For her immensely insightful knowledge on life and livingSpiritual Leader
Mt Abu, India
Vinod Bhatt
We can’t thank you enough for giving the best press-coverage to our youthful endeavors during the initial years of Oasis and more importantly, for supporting us to your best in our trying times.Editor
Vadodara, India
Vishnu Pandya
We thank you for your constructive suggestions, questions, remarks to help us expand our mental horizons in the initial years, and also for facilitating the process of procuring land from Government.Writer – Political Analyst
Ahmedabad, India
Yogesh Patel
For being a consistent support. Be it monitoring project, sponsoring camps, spreading Oasis Publications, involving many friends through financial contribution. We are always assured of your positive, smiling support.Businessman
Surat, India
Ami Nanavati
For 20 years of your youth life as a dedicated comrade of Oasis. For displaying incredible courage by setting up Rehabilitation center for Riot affected children at Naroda, Ahmedabad. For playing an important role in Oasis Publications. Thank you, Ami.Teacher
Mumbai, India
Amit Shah
Thank you, Amit, for being a strong part and solid support to Oasis Movement during the initial years by leading many fronts and for being a long-standing friend of 3 decades.Entrepreneur
Vadodara, India
Amrut Patel
For your wholehearted support, guidance every time we approached you. Even when you found us ‘impractical’, you trusted our goodness.IAS
Gujarat, India
Anil & Lata Desai
Thank you for setting example for many aspiring youths who want to devote life to service of nation. Unparalleled dedication to the cause of down trodden communities by setting aside a high end life and creating such a renowned institution as Seva Rural – you have inspired a tall benchmark of commitment and sacrifice for so many.Doctors, Seva Rrual Trust
Jhagadia, India
Anil Swarup
For gifting a powerful example of collective goodness to our country. For being a role model of integrity and practical idealism to the youths. For your ever-unfailing positive encouragement. For sowing the dream of scaling Oasis programs & to reach 25 million kids of India. For such a high quotient of responsiveness when we seek your guidance. We thank you with utmost sincerity.IAS , Writer, Nexus of Good
Noida, India
Anshul Mishra
Thank you, Anshul Sir, for providing outstanding support for the implementation of ASHA project in all corporation schools for consecutive 3 years in Coimbatore. Your proactive intervention at each step helped us a lot.IAS
Tamil Nadu, India
Atul Pandya
For being one of the first subscribers of Oasis ideology and our vision of creating Social Leaders and also for helping us reach to rural partners For being a close philosopher & friend throughout and extending every time Oasis has needed help.Gandhian, Social Leader
Ahmedabad, India
B M Palan
Deep gratitude for initiating us into psychology rooted in Indian scriptures as well as being an example of what a gentleman would look like.Hypnotherapist
Vadodara, India
Bhadra Joshi
Grateful for your sensitivity towards Character Education and helping us reach so many children by lovingly coordinating sponsorship of books.Advocate
Surat, India
Bhadrayu Vachharajani
For introducing Oasis Publications to hundreds of teachers of Gujarat through Academic Staff College, Saurashtra University. For promoting Oasis Publications very heartily in the educational fraternity and supporting propagation of Oasis philosophy, thank you so much.Educationist
Rajkot, India
Bhaskar Save
For listening to us when we visited you and sharing your profound wisdom about Nature & Agriculture, lovingly. We learnt from you the real meaning of Organic Farming that cares for Nature & Posterity. For sensitising us to the world of Natural farming and responsibility towards Mother Earth.Pioneer, Organic Farming
Umargam, India
Bhikhu & Pushpa Patel
Tearful eyes on remembering the untiring love and service that you both showered on us as our hosts at LA, USA! Extremely grateful for pushing us to extend our boundaries till USA and for being instrumental in beginning our first overseas Oasis L3 program there.Hotelier, LA
California, USA
Chamanlal Gupta
We’re indebted to you forever for being a rare scientist cum spiritual teacher of life and supporting us firmly and bravely during our difficult times.Social Scientist, Arbindo Ashram
Puducherry, India
Chandrakant Koticha
Life-long support and love since almost our beginning! And especially your generous help while we established our Rajkot centre. You inspired us with your commitment and value basis. A huge and warm thank you hug to you!LIFE, Rajkot
Rajkot, India
Chandravadan Macwan
Many processes at state secretariat became easy for us because of the right guidance and support that we received from you. Thank you for making us so comfortable about knocking your door anytime we needed to.Retd Govt Officer
Ahmedabad, India
Darshan Parghi
Thank you, for dedicating your prime life years to Oasis Movement and for your unwavering support over the last 3 decades. All credit of converting a barren old friendship land into a lush green space goes to you.Organic Farming Consultant
Vadodara, India
Deshna Shah
Eager to improve yourself, ready to take new challenges-new roles, a smile on face and love in the heart. You set an example – how a volunteer should be. Thank you for being what you are.Yoga Teacher
Surat, India
Dhiraj Vasoya
We are always assured of solid support from you. Thank you so much for trusting our process of empowering next generation and extending financial help for the same with love.Industrialist
Surat, India
Dhirendra Soneji
Thank you Dhirendrabhai, for being such a noble human being and a very innovative farmer-cum-engineer. We look upon you as our role-model. Your integration of technology, farming & entrepreneurship has inspired us.Social Entrepreneur
Rajpipla, India
Dhiru Mehta
If we did not miss meeting Gandhiji or Vinobaji, the credit is to you. Heartwarming, inspiring stories of your first hand experiences with national leaders-movements and your impregnable values as head of Sewagram Hospital. You validated our spirit – Idealism is Practical.Kasturba Ghandhi Trust
Mumbai, India
Dhiru Shah
You believed in Character Building Education as a solution to prevailing problems in our villages. We thank you for being our first partner for creating a model of sustainable positive change in Rural India at Karanj, Surat, Gujarat.Industrialist
Surat, India
Dilip Desai
Thank you so much, for your bold, unwavering and affectionate support for decades and for sharing your brilliant thoughts and insights on social work in India.Seva Rural
Vadodara, India
Dilip Somaiya
For keeping deep, unshakeable faith in us when no one knew Oasis in Bengaluru. For continuous and generous financial & moral support over the last 18 years. For helping us to synergize with value-based corporate organisations.Consultant
Bengaluru, India
Dipesh Shroff
No one leaves you without getting reassured and helped be it any crisis, and it is always silent. An oft repeated experience that displays your sensitivity, magnanimity of heart and service orientation. Not just us but so many Indians. A value culture of nation building that runs as a proud family legacy today! A privilege to have you as part of Oasis family. Forever Grateful bhai.Industrialist, Philanthropist
Mumbai, India
Divya Sachdev
Thank you, for being one of the first team mates of Oasis Valleys Project. Especially for choosing the challenging role of resource coordinator despite not being an outgoing person, an example of love for the cause.Opthalmologist
Surat, India
Divyang Vasavda
As one of the founder trustees, you successfully led Blood Donation and other projects; helped in laying down the foundation of selflessness & unity in the 1st phase of Oasis. You have been a true friend in need, all these years.Entrepreneur
Vadodara, India
Dolly Shah
For 12 years of a smiling & innocent yet firm dedication that nurtured the foundation of Oasis. For leading difficult challenges from the front as the 1st Managing Trustee after handover by Founders. For such a huge, irreplaceable contribution, a tearful hug to you, Didi.Psychologist
St. Kitts & Nevis
G Narayan
Pranaam to you for being the saintly management guru, not guiding just us but innumerable individuals and organisations across the nation.Management Guru
Vadodara, India
Gulab Jani
Blessed us with your wisdom and knowledge through all these years and always lent a listening ear to all our struggles and journey, especially during our initial days at Rajkot Centre. Humbly grateful for all your support and help.Sister Nivedita Fountation
Rajkot, India
Gunvant Shah
We are grateful to you for watering the organisation in its formative years as well as being instrumental in bringing out its tremendous strength.Writer – Columnist
Vadodara, India
Hiteshi Mehta
For your compassion driven services for slum children. For taking a difficult and bold stand and being with us. For providing office in the prime location of Bengaluru.Entrepreneur
Bengaluru, India
Indukumar Jani
For teaching us selflessness, courage to stand by truth & humility to respect others. For your unconditional, unimposing, everlasting love.Human Rights Activist & Writer
Ahmedabad, India
Jaisukh Patel
We are grateful to you, Jaisukhbhai, for helping us create a base of L3 Courses at Mumbai, for your whole-hearted & dependable support in expanding Oasis reach through Oasis Programs & Publications.Diamantaire
Mumbai, India
Janak Parikh
We shall be ever grateful to you for understanding potential of organisation when it was in formative years, for firmly standing by us in face of opposition and for all cooperation.Vadodara,India
Jayanti Kabutarwala
Thank you, Jayantikaka, for living such an inspiring life, for sharing your wisdom, for understanding gist of what Oasis Movement stands for and supporting us.Industrialist
Surat, India
Jayendra Dhum
Always eager to extend the best possible help, for spreading the message of Oasis to as many as possible. We highly appreciate and count on friends like you.Land Developer
Surat, India
Kalpana Vyas
We are and will always be grateful to you for giving ten full years of your positive, sincere contribution in creating a strong foundation of Oasis, as one of the founder trustees and 1st trustee secretary.Yoga Teacher
Vadodara, India
Kalyan Banerjee
For your deep faith in the power of Character Building Education and your trust in our programs. For your persuasive efforts to make the i-Lead program a reality in a value-based organization like Mindtree. For being grounded and for sharing your rich wisdom, we are touched and humbled. Thank you very much.Educationist & Social Entreprenuer
Bhubhaneshwar, India
Kamlesh Gokani
For being one of the most honest, hardworking, understanding & humble comrades during our initial phase of community process at Friendship Home & Friendship Land. For a big contribution in publication projects.Professional
Vadodara, India
Kanaiyalal & Indu Shah
For being first, generous major Contributor/Patron For lending free space at his home for Trust office For generously supporting all Oasis endeavoursParents, Oasis Member
Vadodara, India
Kantisen Shroff
Our deepest gratitude for being an amazing example of a humble and positive human-being, and also for being an extraordinary visionary for creating a movement.Man-maker, Environmentalist & Philanthropist
Mumbai, India
Kapil Shah
Thank you for helping us to understand Organic Farming much better and making us more aware of the grave situation our agriculture and farmers are passing through.Organic Movement Activist
Vadodara, India
Ketan Mehta
Your on-field intelligence has always added value in all Oasis matters you have been part of: you provide a different dimension of realities. We have experienced an infallible friend in you over these 30 years.Entrepreneur
Vadodara, India
Kishore Shah
For contributing financially, especially when we need it the most. For your unsaid commitment to extend when we had time shortage to manage resources. It means a lot to us, Kishorebhai.Entrepreneur
Bengaluru, India
Kshama Kataria
With friendship of 27 years and your ability to perceive language, people, situations… so indigenously, subtly & beautifully, what you have been adding to Books & Documentation of Oasis is immensely valuable. Especially creating benchmark documentation on Oasis Journey.Writer – Translator
Vadodara, India
Mahadev Desai
Deep gratitude for your association with Oasis and for conceiving as well as propagating Jyotirdhar Movement that played important role for preparing exemplary teachers.Structural Engineer & Educationalist
Navsari, India
Mahendra Meghani
We will be, along with millions, forever indebted to you for creating a thought movement through extraordinary edited inexpensive publications.Writer – Publisher
Bhavnagar, India
Manish Baxi
The strong and faithful pillar of Oasis since its inception! You stood with us through thick and thin and have never wavered in your commitment to lead us honestly throughout as our CA. Thank you, for your selfless honorary services. Salute you, for the strength to counter all social norms and be an equally good friend all along…Chartered Accountant
Vadodara, India
Manisha Mehta
For her contribution in ASHA with total immersion in our initial years. For playing a big role in creating ASHA child friendly health modules. Her selfless service inspired many women to volunteer.Student Counsellor
Bengaluru, India
Manoj Kadakia
For believing in us when we were more idealistic & less realistic, for nourishing Oasis with your love, support & encouragement during the formative years, for being with us through our thick & thin.Industrialist
Vadodara, India
Mrudula Sanghvi
It is you who have always encouraged many women to join ASHA and helped solving all their problems so that they could continue their volunteering. Your age and health issues never came in your way to serve!Homemaker
Bengaluru, India
Nandita Shah
We would always be indebted to you for showing us the power of plant based diet. Your book has been a powerful instrument in introducing vegan food at Oasis Valleys. Your finest insights are very helpful.Homeopath, Veganist
Puducherry, Inda
Nanubhai Amin
We are deeply grateful to you for your rock like support in everything we attempted in the initial years. You have always fulfilled your responsibility towards society in every possible way and set a tall example for all business leaders, for us and also for the youths of our nation.Industrialist
Vadodara, India
Nayan Swadia
For trusting us all the time without a trace of doubt from the very beginning & contributing your best till date. For extending your medical services to Oasis Members unconditionally.General Surgeon
Vadodara, India
Nina & Bankim Patel
From being a cordial neighbor to a volunteer, then to a sponsor and now a lifelong friend. Thank you, for being with us since the beginning of Oasis center at Surat.Artist & Industrialist
Surat, India
Nirav Shah
Thank you, Niravbhai, for being consistent supporter; for extending your help in creation of Oasis Valleys and our ongoing projects.Opthalmologist
Surat, India
P.K. Chandrashekhar & Gauri Nair
Small is beautiful. For every such little gesture of affectionate support to Oasis be it home made snacks for children, South Indian food for team or contributing from your resources, we have experienced your love over the last 30 years. For being the Nimittam of the most powerful learning phases of Oasis Movement, and staying with us tight amid all upheavals, we bow humbly.Parents, Oasis Member
Vadodara, India
Parag Shah
Deepest gratitude for playing a critically important role in the making of a beautiful institute as Oasis Valleys as well as for being an amazing lifelong friend.Diamantaire
Surat, India
Parul & Sumeit Shah
For being so lovely, caring and thoughtful doctor friends. For your excellent medical services. For always being ready to help your best and promptly whenever needed.Pathologist & Radiologist
Vadodara, India
Pinal Shah
Thank you, Pinalben for taking initiative of a difficult challenge like resource generation for creation of Oasis Valleys in the first phase. Thank you, for doing everything with so much love.Artist, Teacher
Surat, India
Pramila Shah
For being the first one to extend all help to create base in Bengaluru. For helping immensely by asking right and bold questions. For tirelessly inspiring many to contribute their best for our work.Social Worker
Bengaluru, India
Pravin & Daxa Shah
For unconditional, generous giving over long years. For giving time, love and resources. For giving your beautiful home for Oasis use.Parents, Oasis Member
Pravin Patel
The ever-smiling and happy face that we always remember – who invited Oasis to Rajkot city and boosted our work especially through Oasis Publications. A sincere and hardworking friend who always supported and helped us and will always be there for us!Businessman
Rajkot, India
Pravin Shah
Our heartfelt gratitude for being a wonderful person, for setting benchmark of humble veteran learner and being magnanimous and wise all round giver.New York,US
Preeti Shroff
A mother’s heart with a mission to empower youths to pursue social entrepreneurship. For such a successful partnership, infinite support and your complete trust in us that ensured Oasis base at J&K today.. For your vision & guidance that helped us walk through all challenges. How can I thank you enough!Social & Women Entrepreneur
Bhuj, India
Rajiv Joshi
Thank you very much, for always being there and providing your expert medical services to any of our family member with great care and love. You are a doctor who gives a listening ear to understand the patient, which makes you so special.Physician
Vadodara, India
Rohit Prajapati
Thank you, Rohitbhai, for Encouraging us always to fight for Truth & Justice; for Supporting us and for Standing with us during storms, especially when we needed it the most.Environment Activist
Vadodara, India
Samir Anadkat
Thank you, Samir, for being one of the founder members and leading passionately during the formative years of Oasis Movement putting aside a bright career in the field of medical science.Diabetologist
St. Kitts & Nevis
Sarvadaman Patel
For heartily encouraging us for our farming ventures at Oasis Valleys with your profound insights and knowledge. For teaching us the right values & methods of Organic Farming on numerous occasions.Leader & Propagator, Organic Farming
Anand, India
Saugat Biswas
Thank you, Saugat Sir, for supporting child-centric approach in our Kashmir projects by encouraging value based program for students. For introducing the magic of Oasis Life Camps and Dream India camp in J&K. Says a lot about your commitment for the young of our nation.IAS
Ladakh, India
Sejal Shah
For your selfless services as one of the initial Trustees with robust commitment. For dedicating your prime life years in serving others. For striving and inspiring many to contribute to the cause.Yoga Teacher
Shah Faesal
For being the first to understand the vision & impact of Oasis and to promptly invite OASIS programs to J&K. This one step has led us so far. For this dedication and commitment for betterment of education sector especially youngsters, and for your ever positive support, we will remain eternally grateful.IAS
Jammu & Kashmir, India
Shaleen Kabra
For believing in us, for our first Govt partnership at J&K, for your principled, no-nonsense approach and for inspiring by your uncommon dedication to serve the state especially youth education. For handholding us in this journey with your insights and care – unfailingly, yet silently. For this unconditional and steadfast support as a guide, well wisher and a friend. A Hearty Thank You.IAS
Jammu & Kashmir, India
Shobhana & Arun Shah
For staying by our side during our tough times. For supporting us in our endeavors so affectionately. For Arun uncle’s extraordinary 24×7 commitment for Blood Donation drive in Vadodara for over 2 decades.Parents, Oasis Member
Vadodara, India
Siddharth & Priti Shah
For being our visionary friends who deeply believe in importance of Character Building Education. For your substantial contribution for our flagship program of preparing Misaal Leaders.Financial Consultants
Snehal Shah
We’re deeply indebted to you for being the Architect of “Oasis Valleys” through which hundreds of thousands would draw inspiration for loving a better life. And for being a proud product of your product!Architect
Surat, India
Sonal Patel
Thank you, Sonal, for being one of the strong team mates in the initial years, thank you for nurturing Friendship Home with all the Love.Physiotherapist
Vadodara, India
Sucheta & Pravin Vakharia
For always showering her motherly love and affection to all of us. For generously providing their home for use whenever needed and making us feel at home.Parents, Oasis Member
Ahmedabad, India
Sumathi Suresh
For consistently conducting ASHA training and encouraging many ASHA teachers. For conducting health classes in an amazingly interesting way by adding fun and drama.Homemaker
Bengaluru, India
Sumir Hinduja
Thank you, Sumirji, for deposing trust in us when we have just begun our Bengaluru Venture. Thank you for generous support to health centers. You are always ready to support in best possible ways.Industrialist
Bengaluru, India
Suneet Dabke
Your passion and commitment for environment is exemplary. You played a critical role in setting up systems for waste management and sewage treatment plant at Oasis Valleys. For any help, you are always a call away.Waste Management Consultant
Vadodara, India
Susheela & Manu Shah
Compassion, generosity, love for humanity at large has always driven you. Thank you for always contributing your best for last 16 years and for proving an office space to Oasis in the prime location of Bangalore.Homemaker & Businessman
Bengaluru, India
Swarup Deb
Thank you, Swarup, Avinash & Team Girgit, for joining us in capturing the essence of Oasis Movement through a less than a minute animation film! Yes! It makes the viewers hearts smile, 10/10!!!Animation Film Maker
Pune, India
Uday Desai
For one of the most satisfying partnerships Oasis has so far, because of your Mission driven, Impatient, Synergetic efforts to bring positive changes in the lives of thousands of less privileged children. For reaching character education to the far flung, interiors of Gujarat and setting up an impressive model of technology-human impact in rural India.K R Shroff Foundation
Ahmedabad, India
Umesh Patel
The silent, smiling and untiring commando friend who helped us through the first important phase of building Oasis!IT Professional
Urvish Kothari
For all your authentic efforts to search the facts about Oasis, to know it by firsthand experience and to bring truth to light through articles in ‘Jalso’ & ‘Nirikshak’ in an uninhibited manner. For being a role model in responsible, fearless and positive journalism.Writer – Journalist
Ahmedabad, India
Vaishali Desai
For serving the movement selflessly for almost 2 decades. For your relentless efforts for resource generation in formative years. We remember you as a person thriving with energy and high dedication.Social Worker
Vadodara, India
Vijay Dalal
Deepest gratitude for recognising us as unique charitable organisation, making Oasis your own and extending support that became a turning point for the Movement.Financial Consultants
New Jersey,US
Vimala Thakar
For appreciating the vibrancy of Oasis Movement early on For giving spiritual and moral guidance in formative years For her immensely insightful knowledge on life and livingSpiritual Leader
Mt Abu, India
Vinod Bhatt
We can’t thank you enough for giving the best press-coverage to our youthful endeavors during the initial years of Oasis and more importantly, for supporting us to your best in our trying times.Editor
Vadodara, India
Vishnu Pandya
We thank you for your constructive suggestions, questions, remarks to help us expand our mental horizons in the initial years, and also for facilitating the process of procuring land from Government.Writer – Political Analyst
Ahmedabad, India
Yogesh Patel
For being a consistent support. Be it monitoring project, sponsoring camps, spreading Oasis Publications, involving many friends through financial contribution. We are always assured of your positive, smiling support.Businessman
Surat, India
Ami Nanavati
For 20 years of your youth life as a dedicated comrade of Oasis. For displaying incredible courage by setting up Rehabilitation center for Riot affected children at Naroda, Ahmedabad. For playing an important role in Oasis Publications. Thank you, Ami.Teacher
Mumbai, India
Amit Shah
Thank you, Amit, for being a strong part and solid support to Oasis Movement during the initial years by leading many fronts and for being a long-standing friend of 3 decades.Entrepreneur
Vadodara, India
Amrut Patel
For your wholehearted support, guidance every time we approached you. Even when you found us ‘impractical’, you trusted our goodness.IAS
Gujarat, India
Anil & Lata Desai
Thank you for setting example for many aspiring youths who want to devote life to service of nation. Unparalleled dedication to the cause of down trodden communities by setting aside a high end life and creating such a renowned institution as Seva Rural – you have inspired a tall benchmark of commitment and sacrifice for so many.Doctors, Seva Rrual Trust
Jhagadia, India
Anil Swarup
For gifting a powerful example of collective goodness to our country. For being a role model of integrity and practical idealism to the youths. For your ever-unfailing positive encouragement. For sowing the dream of scaling Oasis programs & to reach 25 million kids of India. For such a high quotient of responsiveness when we seek your guidance. We thank you with utmost sincerity.IAS , Writer, Nexus of Good
Noida, India
Anshul Mishra
Thank you, Anshul Sir, for providing outstanding support for the implementation of ASHA project in all corporation schools for consecutive 3 years in Coimbatore. Your proactive intervention at each step helped us a lot.IAS
Tamil Nadu, India
Atul Pandya
For being one of the first subscribers of Oasis ideology and our vision of creating Social Leaders and also for helping us reach to rural partners For being a close philosopher & friend throughout and extending every time Oasis has needed help.Gandhian, Social Leader
Ahmedabad, India
B M Palan
Deep gratitude for initiating us into psychology rooted in Indian scriptures as well as being an example of what a gentleman would look like.Hypnotherapist
Vadodara, India
Bhadra Joshi
Grateful for your sensitivity towards Character Education and helping us reach so many children by lovingly coordinating sponsorship of books.Advocate
Surat, India
Bhadrayu Vachharajani
For introducing Oasis Publications to hundreds of teachers of Gujarat through Academic Staff College, Saurashtra University. For promoting Oasis Publications very heartily in the educational fraternity and supporting propagation of Oasis philosophy, thank you so much.Educationist
Rajkot, India
Bhaskar Save
For listening to us when we visited you and sharing your profound wisdom about Nature & Agriculture, lovingly. We learnt from you the real meaning of Organic Farming that cares for Nature & Posterity. For sensitising us to the world of Natural farming and responsibility towards Mother Earth.Pioneer, Organic Farming
Umargam, India
Bhikhu & Pushpa Patel
Tearful eyes on remembering the untiring love and service that you both showered on us as our hosts at LA, USA! Extremely grateful for pushing us to extend our boundaries till USA and for being instrumental in beginning our first overseas Oasis L3 program there.Hotelier, LA
California, USA
Chamanlal Gupta
We’re indebted to you forever for being a rare scientist cum spiritual teacher of life and supporting us firmly and bravely during our difficult times.Social Scientist, Arbindo Ashram
Puducherry, India
Chandrakant Koticha
Life-long support and love since almost our beginning! And especially your generous help while we established our Rajkot centre. You inspired us with your commitment and value basis. A huge and warm thank you hug to you!LIFE, Rajkot
Rajkot, India
Chandravadan Macwan
Many processes at state secretariat became easy for us because of the right guidance and support that we received from you. Thank you for making us so comfortable about knocking your door anytime we needed to.Retd Govt Officer
Ahmedabad, India
Darshan Parghi
Thank you, for dedicating your prime life years to Oasis Movement and for your unwavering support over the last 3 decades. All credit of converting a barren old friendship land into a lush green space goes to you.Organic Farming Consultant
Vadodara, India
Deshna Shah
Eager to improve yourself, ready to take new challenges-new roles, a smile on face and love in the heart. You set an example – how a volunteer should be. Thank you for being what you are.Yoga Teacher
Surat, India
Dhiraj Vasoya
We are always assured of solid support from you. Thank you so much for trusting our process of empowering next generation and extending financial help for the same with love.Industrialist
Surat, India
Dhirendra Soneji
Thank you Dhirendrabhai, for being such a noble human being and a very innovative farmer-cum-engineer. We look upon you as our role-model. Your integration of technology, farming & entrepreneurship has inspired us.Social Entrepreneur
Rajpipla, India
Dhiru Mehta
If we did not miss meeting Gandhiji or Vinobaji, the credit is to you. Heartwarming, inspiring stories of your first hand experiences with national leaders-movements and your impregnable values as head of Sewagram Hospital. You validated our spirit – Idealism is Practical.Kasturba Ghandhi Trust
Mumbai, India
Dhiru Shah
You believed in Character Building Education as a solution to prevailing problems in our villages. We thank you for being our first partner for creating a model of sustainable positive change in Rural India at Karanj, Surat, Gujarat.Industrialist
Surat, India
Dilip Desai
Thank you so much, for your bold, unwavering and affectionate support for decades and for sharing your brilliant thoughts and insights on social work in India.Seva Rural
Vadodara, India
Dilip Somaiya
For keeping deep, unshakeable faith in us when no one knew Oasis in Bengaluru. For continuous and generous financial & moral support over the last 18 years. For helping us to synergize with value-based corporate organisations.Consultant
Bengaluru, India
Dipesh Shroff
No one leaves you without getting reassured and helped be it any crisis, and it is always silent. An oft repeated experience that displays your sensitivity, magnanimity of heart and service orientation. Not just us but so many Indians. A value culture of nation building that runs as a proud family legacy today! A privilege to have you as part of Oasis family. Forever Grateful bhai.Industrialist, Philanthropist
Mumbai, India
Divya Sachdev
Thank you, for being one of the first team mates of Oasis Valleys Project. Especially for choosing the challenging role of resource coordinator despite not being an outgoing person, an example of love for the cause.Opthalmologist
Surat, India
Divyang Vasavda
As one of the founder trustees, you successfully led Blood Donation and other projects; helped in laying down the foundation of selflessness & unity in the 1st phase of Oasis. You have been a true friend in need, all these years.Entrepreneur
Vadodara, India
Dolly Shah
For 12 years of a smiling & innocent yet firm dedication that nurtured the foundation of Oasis. For leading difficult challenges from the front as the 1st Managing Trustee after handover by Founders. For such a huge, irreplaceable contribution, a tearful hug to you, Didi.Psychologist
St. Kitts & Nevis
G Narayan
Pranaam to you for being the saintly management guru, not guiding just us but innumerable individuals and organisations across the nation.Management Guru
Vadodara, India
Gulab Jani
Blessed us with your wisdom and knowledge through all these years and always lent a listening ear to all our struggles and journey, especially during our initial days at Rajkot Centre. Humbly grateful for all your support and help.Sister Nivedita Fountation
Rajkot, India
Gunvant Shah
We are grateful to you for watering the organisation in its formative years as well as being instrumental in bringing out its tremendous strength.Writer – Columnist
Vadodara, India
Hiteshi Mehta
For your compassion driven services for slum children. For taking a difficult and bold stand and being with us. For providing office in the prime location of Bengaluru.Entrepreneur
Bengaluru, India
Indukumar Jani
For teaching us selflessness, courage to stand by truth & humility to respect others. For your unconditional, unimposing, everlasting love.Human Rights Activist & Writer
Ahmedabad, India
Jaisukh Patel
We are grateful to you, Jaisukhbhai, for helping us create a base of L3 Courses at Mumbai, for your whole-hearted & dependable support in expanding Oasis reach through Oasis Programs & Publications.Diamantaire
Mumbai, India
Janak Parikh
We shall be ever grateful to you for understanding potential of organisation when it was in formative years, for firmly standing by us in face of opposition and for all cooperation.Vadodara,India
Jayanti Kabutarwala
Thank you, Jayantikaka, for living such an inspiring life, for sharing your wisdom, for understanding gist of what Oasis Movement stands for and supporting us.Industrialist
Surat, India
Jayendra Dhum
Always eager to extend the best possible help, for spreading the message of Oasis to as many as possible. We highly appreciate and count on friends like you.Land Developer
Surat, India
Kalpana Vyas
We are and will always be grateful to you for giving ten full years of your positive, sincere contribution in creating a strong foundation of Oasis, as one of the founder trustees and 1st trustee secretary.Yoga Teacher
Vadodara, India
Kalyan Banerjee
For your deep faith in the power of Character Building Education and your trust in our programs. For your persuasive efforts to make the i-Lead program a reality in a value-based organization like Mindtree. For being grounded and for sharing your rich wisdom, we are touched and humbled. Thank you very much.Educationist & Social Entreprenuer
Bhubhaneshwar, India
Kamlesh Gokani
For being one of the most honest, hardworking, understanding & humble comrades during our initial phase of community process at Friendship Home & Friendship Land. For a big contribution in publication projects.Professional
Vadodara, India
Kanaiyalal & Indu Shah
For being first, generous major Contributor/Patron For lending free space at his home for Trust office For generously supporting all Oasis endeavoursParents, Oasis Member
Vadodara, India
Kantisen Shroff
Our deepest gratitude for being an amazing example of a humble and positive human-being, and also for being an extraordinary visionary for creating a movement.Man-maker, Environmentalist & Philanthropist
Mumbai, India
Kapil Shah
Thank you for helping us to understand Organic Farming much better and making us more aware of the grave situation our agriculture and farmers are passing through.Organic Movement Activist
Vadodara, India
Ketan Mehta
Your on-field intelligence has always added value in all Oasis matters you have been part of: you provide a different dimension of realities. We have experienced an infallible friend in you over these 30 years.Entrepreneur
Vadodara, India
Kishore Shah
For contributing financially, especially when we need it the most. For your unsaid commitment to extend when we had time shortage to manage resources. It means a lot to us, Kishorebhai.Entrepreneur
Bengaluru, India
Kshama Kataria
With friendship of 27 years and your ability to perceive language, people, situations… so indigenously, subtly & beautifully, what you have been adding to Books & Documentation of Oasis is immensely valuable. Especially creating benchmark documentation on Oasis Journey.Writer – Translator
Vadodara, India
Mahadev Desai
Deep gratitude for your association with Oasis and for conceiving as well as propagating Jyotirdhar Movement that played important role for preparing exemplary teachers.Structural Engineer & Educationalist
Navsari, India
Mahendra Meghani
We will be, along with millions, forever indebted to you for creating a thought movement through extraordinary edited inexpensive publications.Writer – Publisher
Bhavnagar, India
Manish Baxi
The strong and faithful pillar of Oasis since its inception! You stood with us through thick and thin and have never wavered in your commitment to lead us honestly throughout as our CA. Thank you, for your selfless honorary services. Salute you, for the strength to counter all social norms and be an equally good friend all along…Chartered Accountant
Vadodara, India
Manisha Mehta
For her contribution in ASHA with total immersion in our initial years. For playing a big role in creating ASHA child friendly health modules. Her selfless service inspired many women to volunteer.Student Counsellor
Bengaluru, India
Manoj Kadakia
For believing in us when we were more idealistic & less realistic, for nourishing Oasis with your love, support & encouragement during the formative years, for being with us through our thick & thin.Industrialist
Vadodara, India
Mrudula Sanghvi
It is you who have always encouraged many women to join ASHA and helped solving all their problems so that they could continue their volunteering. Your age and health issues never came in your way to serve!Homemaker
Bengaluru, India
Nandita Shah
We would always be indebted to you for showing us the power of plant based diet. Your book has been a powerful instrument in introducing vegan food at Oasis Valleys. Your finest insights are very helpful.Homeopath, Veganist
Puducherry, Inda
Nanubhai Amin
We are deeply grateful to you for your rock like support in everything we attempted in the initial years. You have always fulfilled your responsibility towards society in every possible way and set a tall example for all business leaders, for us and also for the youths of our nation.Industrialist
Vadodara, India
Nayan Swadia
For trusting us all the time without a trace of doubt from the very beginning & contributing your best till date. For extending your medical services to Oasis Members unconditionally.General Surgeon
Vadodara, India
Nina & Bankim Patel
From being a cordial neighbor to a volunteer, then to a sponsor and now a lifelong friend. Thank you, for being with us since the beginning of Oasis center at Surat.Artist & Industrialist
Surat, India
Nirav Shah
Thank you, Niravbhai, for being consistent supporter; for extending your help in creation of Oasis Valleys and our ongoing projects.Opthalmologist
Surat, India
P.K. Chandrashekhar & Gauri Nair
Small is beautiful. For every such little gesture of affectionate support to Oasis be it home made snacks for children, South Indian food for team or contributing from your resources, we have experienced your love over the last 30 years. For being the Nimittam of the most powerful learning phases of Oasis Movement, and staying with us tight amid all upheavals, we bow humbly.Parents, Oasis Member
Vadodara, India
Parag Shah
Deepest gratitude for playing a critically important role in the making of a beautiful institute as Oasis Valleys as well as for being an amazing lifelong friend.Diamantaire
Surat, India
Parul & Sumeit Shah
For being so lovely, caring and thoughtful doctor friends. For your excellent medical services. For always being ready to help your best and promptly whenever needed.Pathologist & Radiologist
Vadodara, India
Pinal Shah
Thank you, Pinalben for taking initiative of a difficult challenge like resource generation for creation of Oasis Valleys in the first phase. Thank you, for doing everything with so much love.Artist, Teacher
Surat, India
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