Oasis Movement

Preparing Teachers as Real Nation-builders


Jyotirdhar Abhiyaan

Educating Teachers for Rejuvenating Education System

Preparing Teachers as Real Nation-builders

Jyotirdhar Abhiyaan

Educating Teachers for
Rejuvenating Education System


Teachers are the architects of any society. And there is no doubt that great Teachers build great Nations. But the scenario has changed quite a lot. Selfish motives have come in between their duties and nurturing children. Instead of becoming an inspiration, they have become people who stay away from it. To build India as a great nation, we need to awaken teachers to their own ‘Dharma’. In the process they become Torch Bearers – Jyotirdhars – to lead other teachers and students to revolutionize the Education System.


Mein Hun Jyotirdhar (I am the Torch-Bearer) Abhiyaan prepares teachers to perform their Swadharma. Teachers undergo an intense process of character building and self-leadership along with a 4-year Oasis L3 Course (The Philosophy, Art & Science of Living, Loving and Learning Course) is designed for them. Imagine, teachers opening up to new and continuous learning! This is just not a magical scenario, but so fulfilling and satisfying to the teachers that they end up becoming a role-model.

The good teacher not only understands the child;
he approves of the child.

~ A S Neil

Impact Overview


Impact Overview


Straight from the heart

Reflections from the young participants and facilitators
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“This type of workshops should be conducted in every state. So that people can understand the value of their inner soul. Change is must in the 21st century. Only this type of workshop can change the world. All the departments must be given such type of training to create a competition-free environment.”

~ Anchal Singh (Participant)
Principal, Govt High School / Kargil, J&K
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“The whole workshop was very interesting and heart touching. My complete emotional and mental self got involved in the workshop. This workshop has extracted my inner capabilities and strength and I got big moral support. It has cleared my mission and vision of life. Now, I can see the world in a more beautiful way. Now my will-power and commitment have become stronger.”

~ Sonam Wangchuk (Participant)
Teacher / Bogdang, Nubra, Ladakh
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“Jyotirdhar is necessary for the development of a virtuous human. As an officer, I experienced how many issues can be resolved just by filling my heart with empathy. Through this workshop, I’ll become more compassionate with the administrators, teachers and students.”

~ Dr Bhagvan Prajapati (Participant)
DEO / Kachchh
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“We all need to be Learning Principals. In this workshop I got a new attitude to live a life. I got true guidance about how to imbibe this attitude in my journey of learning true leadership. I got the idea about how by combining cheerfulness and enthusiasm in my being, I can facilitate the flowering of important life values in a child in a beautiful way.”

~ Hiteshkumar Patel (Participant)
Principal / Navsari
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“‘Be the Torchbearer’ campaign is highly beneficial for helping an individual to bring change in one’s self. This campaign is a kind of ‘Ashwamegh Yagna’ which teaches how an individual should live a life in right and beautiful way and be helpful to society. Each and every sacrifice done in this ‘Yagna’ will definitely change the Society for better.”

~ Atul Unagar (Participant)
Professor / Ahmedabad
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“‘I became a sensitive human being, learned to cry, learned to enjoy each and every moment of life. My Goal became clear; I became a loving husband and an extremely loving father. Not only that, I started an unending, exciting journey with deep faith.”

~ Dr Kaushik Desai (Participant)
Principal / Navsari
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“Hundreds of salutes!! This workshop is awesome, indescribable, unimaginable, and unforgettable in revealing the fact that Change in Heart is necessary to bring Change in Life. Sanjivbhai’s and Sheebaben’s Contemplation, Clarity of thoughts, Style of workshop facilitation, Art of Listening, Patience, Strength to facilitate blossoming of everyone, examples, and stories they shared, reference of books, choice of movies, method of group discussion …everything is excellent. Hats off to your Dedication and Commitment.”

~ Mahadev Desai (Participant)
CMD / Sthapati Designers & Consultants, Navsari (Co-founder, Jyotirdhar Abhiyaan)
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“I was inspired to do something special for the betterment of our society and the nation. When these workshops will reach each and every child of India, future of our nation will be powerfully bright.”

~ Harshad Chaudhari (Participant)
DPEO / Surendranagar
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“The Jyotirdhar workshop is absolutely necessary to shed light on the life, to steer the educational world in the right direction, to discover the strength within ourselves and to instill the spirit to make me aware of what I can do to solve the problems.”

~ Bhanuprasad Panchal (Participant)
DEO / Panchmahal
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“The most important learning which touched my heart is the true love extension for the growth of mankind which makes our life progressive, prosperous and make this world a beautiful place to live.”

~ Afifa Qureshi (Participant)
Principal, S.P. HSS / Srinagar
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“First time I have attended such workshop which has given me innovative ways to develop self leadership.”

~ Ghulam Mohiuddin Bhat (Participant)
Principal, HSS Trespone / J&K
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“This workshop is really a character maker, man making and by which one can stand upon his/her own foot. Learnt how to use brain and heart. The workshop gave me strength.”

~ Om Prakash Sharma (Participant)
Principal, HSS Bajbani / J&K


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Oasis Movement