Oasis Movement

Leadership is Character,
Not Position

Oasis Leadership

Development Camp

Recognising and Nurturing Student Leadership

Leadership is Character,
Not Position

Oasis Leadership Development Camp

Recognising and Nurturing Student Leadership


Contrary to popular belief, ‘Leadership’ is not authority and power. It is surely not about dominating others or managing things smartly. Truth is, Leaders are not born but made. And Leadership can’t be taught but definitely, learnt. Everybody has potential to be a leader. Today, the whole world is passing through a huge crisis where there aren’t true leaders with strong character. Preparing the young generation for leadership in all spheres of life is our only hope.


During the basic Oasis camps, children with potential leadership traits are identified and invited to Leadership Camps. In 2-3 days Leadership Camp, Children & Youths are exposed to core concepts of true leadership breaking all the myths surrounding it. They identify various character traits needed to be a successful leader and evaluate themselves against these traits through various processes. Project work exposes them for their strengths and weaknesses as leaders and they are guided to work upon the same.

There is nothing that strong faith
and an unflinching purpose may
not accomplish.

~ Napoleon Hill

Impact Overview


Impact Overview


Straight from the heart

Reflections from the young participants and facilitators
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“When my class teacher used to ask us to come forward to do something, I was afraid and hesitated to do so. Now after attending this leadership camp, I think I have gained some confidence and have become brave to take up any task."

~ Sushmitha M (Participant)
8th std , Govt schools of remote village of Ramanagara District / Karnataka
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“The task which was given to us at the end of the camp was very interesting. It was one of its kind. We all participated enthusiastically. We asked the villagers lot of questions and made them answer these questions. Even though the village and villagers were new to us, we asked questions bravely and encouraged them to answer what is right. This way we created awareness among the villagers."

~ Anusha B N (Participant)
8th std , Govt schools of remote village of Ramanagara District / Karnataka
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“In this camp I learnt about the important qualities which a leader has and the problems faced by my village and which can be solved, for example – cleanliness, plastics, water, smoking, drinking, toilet etc and now we are trying to solve these problems."

~ Megana S (Participant)
8th std , Govt schools of remote village of Ramanagara District / Karnataka
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“In this camp the important topics which I have learnt are courage, loyalty, responsibility, listening and the qualities which a leader should have. This made me to try to be responsible."

~ Naveen (Participant)
8th std , Govt schools of remote village of Ramanagara District / Karnataka


Reference Book for the Project

The Gift of Leadership
Oasis Movement