Oasis Movement

Journey from Freedom to Happiness via Responsibility


Dream India Camp

(also known as Oasis Friendship Camp)

Magic of Real Democracy in a Week!

Journey from Freedom to Happiness via
Dream India Camp

(also known as Oasis Friendship Camp)

Magic of Real Democracy in a Week!



Oasis firmly believes that all children are good and uniquely talented. They are always eager to learn important things about life. However, the evils of comparison, competition, and cramming suffocate their tremendous creativity. Is it possible for young minds to learn being responsible and fair when they are given complete freedom? The answer is YES. Oasis Dream India Camps have proved this time and again. If entrusted with freedom, children are capable of solving their problems creatively. It also empowers their independence, decision-making ability with responsibility.


Oasis Dream India Camp is an 8-10 days residential camp for children & teenagers. The camp is also an ideal space for adults who wish to taste & explore the impact of Democratic Education. It is a camp that is organized, run and participated by children through a parliamentary process. An environment of Love and Happiness builds their self esteem and confidence. It is just amazing to observe that in just one week, a diverse group of children is transformed into a responsible and soulful community!

Rather than standing or speaking for children,
we need to stand with children speaking for

~ Sandra Meucci

Impact Overview


Impact Overview


Freedom and responsibility
aren't interconnected things.
They are the same thing.

~ Harry Browne

Straight from the heart

Reflections from the young participants and facilitators
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"I learnt many things which will help me in my life, like truthfulness, real meaning of freedom, friendship, love towards nature, friends and the real meaning of family."

~ Dhanopathi S (Participant)
Student / Bengaluru
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“Enjoyed the way oasis is making us independent. I enjoyed being the speaker of the parliament and washing my own plates, doing housekeeping and food duties. These small things are just making me a true leader and providing me a way to lead my own India."

~ Harsh Dhaniwal (Participant)
Student / Surat
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“Very different camp where children take their own decisions. I learned to take decisions wisely, to be patient, not to be partial. For a while, I thought I am sitting in the India’s Parliament.”

~ Shama Patel (Participant)
Std. 11 / Surat
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“To accept our mistakes in front of everyone and promise not to repeat them is not easy. This parliament taught me that.”

~ Hiral Soni (Participant)
Std. 12 / Vadodara
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“I have learnt how to face difficult challenges of life and also learnt not to run away from them.”

~ Rajvee Shah (Participant)
Std. 10 / Vadodara
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“They trust children because they believe that no child is lazy or useless. They believe that children can do more than what adults think.”

~ Vatsal Mehta (Participant)
Std. 12 / Surat
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“All the sessions were so fantastic that you will regret a lot leaving anyone.”

~ Karishma Bhatia (Participant)
Std. 12 / Navsari
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“I learnt Leadership Lessons, which will be very useful in taking great decisions and doing great work in my life.”

~ Mantraraj Niak (Participant)
Std. 12 / Navsari
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“Here they understood my choices and respected me. For my good deeds I got stars. I am so happy.”

~ Kajal Parmar (Participant)
Std. 10 / Navsari
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“I learned many things from this camp like, honesty, brotherhood, equality and how to help others. And I feel that all these things will make my future bright.”

~ Tanveer Hussain (Participant)
Student / J&K
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“Everyone is considered equal here. Everyone has to follow the rules and face consequences for breaking them. Anyone can put his/her view in our parliament and we together solve our own problems in our parliament.”

~ Tania Devi (Participant)
Student / J&K
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“…Openness of children and closeness to our heart was very fulfilling…Children’s parliament is quite a novel idea…They develop the skill to analyze the persons by listening to their arguments and ready to face them as well...”

~ Varsha Shah (Facilitator & Faculty)
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“All people in the world try to conform to their culture and this causes the loss of the differences between people, their individuality. But in Dream India Camp, individuality is embraced and brought to a new light in which the children are taught to use it to their advantage.”

~ Pooja Patel (Facilitator & Faculty)
High School Student / USA.
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"I came to know my endurance limit. The program was so well designed that we worked for almost 16 hrs daily and yet not bored. During this camp I saw drastic changes in the students which is the most happy moment for me. Everything is impeccable!"

~ Ajay Thapa (Facilitator & Faculty)
Sr Lecturer, Govt Polytechnic, Kathua – Jammu
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“…being part of the children’s parliament was a very unique experience… I got to witness firsthand how and why the children are the bosses of themselves… I was amazed at their mature way of handling the most difficult complaints and a very democratic way of handling and finding solutions to all problems…”

~ Tina Vasudeva (Facilitator & Faculty)
Manager, Kaybee P Ltd, Delhi
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“Children showed courage of accepting their own mistakes in community. They put their own points and views without hurting the dignity of other fellow members. This is what they need the most but lack completely at home and school most of the time. It was strengthening my belief that there is nothing to be taught to kids. All we need to do is to give nice atmosphere.”

~ Siddharth Mehta (Facilitator & Faculty)
Director, Shairu Gems Diamonds Pvt Ltd, Surat


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Reference Books for the Project

Oasis Movement